Wednesday, July 29, 2009

LOTRO sigs and save/preview buttons released today!

If you happen to go to siglaunch now you will see that LOTRO sigs have been added to the list. With the growing popularity of LOTRO, we decided to give our users the ability to create sigs for it. There are a couple of sweet backgrounds right now and more are on the way so keep your eye's peeled.

Along with the release of lotro sigs, we also make some infrastructural tweaks to sigs in general. There were a ton of sigs created since we launched siglaunch and although these images are rather small in size, the growing number of them being created escalated to a level that we were not expecting this soon. The tweak that we made was the addition of a Save and Preview button. You may make as many changes as you want to the sig by clicking on the Preview button but until you click on the save button, only then will you be given the links to use in the desired forum of your choice.

A script has been created that will delete all sigs that were created using the Preview button and this will most likely run nightly. Don't worry, all of the previous sigs that you've created will not be touched. I repeat, ALL THE SIGS THAT YOU'VE CREATED IN THE PAST WILL NOT BE AFFECTED. We decided to take this approach because of the growing number of sigs mentioned before and the increased size of the newly introduced LOTRO sigs.

We hope you enjoy the addition of LOTRO sigs!

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